Flores1Click SL

Floresenlaweb, C/ Manuel Nuñez, 2 3ª Planta Oficina 1 36.203 Vigo Pontevedra, Vigo, Pontevedra, 36203, Spain -

4.83 out of 5 based on 235 user ratings

(235 reviews) 98.34% positive

Merrier Gift Basket

Order within > 5 hours and 36 minutes > for delivery on FRIDAY in Spain

Merrier Gift Basket

Classy and delicious this festive gift basket comes with two bottles of Rioja Spanish wine, pistachios, camembert or brie cheese, crackers, sweet biscuits and salty snacks will bring a smile to recipient and make their Christmas merrier.

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Minimum: 158.00
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